It’s been incredible to see so many families, neighbours, businesses and community associations getting involved in Cleaning up the Capital activities over the past few weeks. The group of neighbours pictured above were hard at work at Fringewood Park on Saturday morning. It’s not too late to sign up for a park in your neighbourhood. Visit and sign up before May 15. Send us a photo of your community clean-up:

C’est merveilleux de voir autant de gens se regrouper en famille, entre voisins, entre collègues et entre membres d’associations communautaires pour contribuer au Grand ménage de la capitale Glad depuis quelques semaines. Sur cette photo, on peut voir un groupe de voisins à l’œuvre au parc Fringewood samedi matin. Il n’est pas trop tard pour vous inscrire pour nettoyer un parc près de chez vous; rendez-vous à et inscrivez-vous d’ici le 15 mai! Envoyez-nous vos photos de nettoyage communautaire à!


Pitching in along the Poole Creek pathway

Pitching in along the Poole Creek pathway

Sarah and Jon at Bandmaster Park

Sarah and Jon at Bandmaster Park

The clean-up at Tempest Park has become an annual tradition

The clean-up at Tempest Park has become an annual tradition

The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society organized a clean-up along the Trans Canada Trail

The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society organized a clean-up along the Trans Canada Trail

A big crowd at Albert Argue Black Park

A big crowd at Albert Argue Black Park

Skyla and Shady at Campobello Park

Skyla and Shady at Campobello Park

Girl Guides, Sparks, and Brownies at Paul Lindsay Park.

Girl Guides, Sparks, and Brownies at Paul Lindsay Park.


Betty Harris cleans up around the parking lot near the Shea Woods.

Betty Harris cleans up around the parking lot near the Shea Woods.


Dagmar VanBeselaere, Jennifer Harris and Julie More from Responsible Dog Owners of Canada hand out gloves, bags and dog biscuits near Shea Woods.

Dagmar VanBeselaere, Jennifer Harris and Julie More from Responsible Dog Owners of Canada hand out gloves, bags and dog biscuits near Shea Woods.


Cleaning up at Trustee M. Curry Park

Cleaning up at Trustee M. Curry Park


Clean-up at Brigatine Park and the surrounding area in Fairwinds.

Clean-up at Brigatine Park and the surrounding area in Fairwinds.


Mme. Charest's Grade 2 class at A. Lorne Cassidy school helped to clean up the school property.

Mme. Charest’s Grade 2 class at A. Lorne Cassidy school helped to clean up the school property.



Some of the crew from LB Learning Services cleaning up Hazeldean Road near Fringewood North

Some of the crew from LB Learning Services cleaning up Hazeldean Road near Fringewood North


Cheryl Noll and her family at Crossing Bridge Park

Cheryl Noll and her family at Crossing Bridge Park


The 12th Stittsville Sparks helped to clean up at Alexander Grove.

The 12th Stittsville Sparks helped to clean up at Alexander Grove.


Treats after the clean-up at Tempest Park.

Treats after the clean-up at Tempest Park.


Cleaning up at Mary Durling Park

Cleaning up at Mary Durling Park


What a great Mother's Day tribute! The family of the late Mary Durling gathered today to clean up the park that bears her name.They collected 30 yard waste bags, 2 garbage bags and tied up 6 bundles of twigs and branches. Thanks to the Durling family!

What a great Mother’s Day tribute! The family of the late Mary Durling gathered today to clean up the park that bears her name.They collected 30 yard waste bags, 2 garbage bags and tied up 6 bundles of twigs and branches. Thanks to the Durling family!


Cleaning up at Brigatine Park

Cleaning up at Brigatine Park

The Bryanston Gate Community Association organized a clean-up in their neighbourhood park

The Bryanston Gate Community Association organized a clean-up in their neighbourhood park


The Jackson Trails Community Association organized a clean-up at Pioneer Plains park


Mme. Barakat's class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.

Mme. Barakat’s class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.

Mme. Barakat's class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.

Mme. Barakat’s class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.

Mme. Barakat's class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.

Mme. Barakat’s class cleans up the neighbourhood near Guardian Angels School.