The City of Ottawa has received an Official Plan Amendment application for 6070 Fernbank Road, and 5993 and 6115 Flewellyn Road (known as Stittsville South W-4) to lift the “Future Neighbourhood Overlay” and allow for the development of a residential subdivision.
The applicant, Caivan, is proposing a residential subdivision with 1,439 homes, including detached homes, townhouses, and stacked townhouses. The proposal also includes areas for parks, environmental buffers, stormwater management ponds, and several public streets.
The site is located north of Flewellyn Road and west of Shea Road and is one of the new urban expansion areas identified in the Official Plan. It abuts an existing low-rise residential neighbourhood to the north (Edenwylde and Rathwell Landing) and rural estate lots along Poplarwood Avenue and Forestgrove Drive to the west. To the east and south, there are existing agricultural and vacant lands. The site has an approximate area of 65 hectares and is currently vacant with some forested areas. The hydro corridor crosses through the site and the existing Davidson stormwater management pond is located within the centre of the lands.
There are also several private residential properties along Flewellyn Road that is also subject to the Future Neighbourhood Overlay and will be considered for removal as part of this Official Plan Amendment application.
This land is located entirely within Ward 21 (Rideau-Jock), but given its proximity to Ward 6 (Stittsville) we’re sharing this summary for Stittsville residents.
More information about the proposal is available on the City’s DevApps site…
In 2022, the Province and the City approved a new Official Plan that identified growth areas for future housing, including the area identified in this application. These new growth areas were subject to a Future Neighbourhood Overlay, which would be lifted following a secondary planning process.
Existing conditions reports for this area were completed in 2024. These reports included two public open house sessions where the applicant presented the existing conditions, gathered public feedback, and showed a high-level concept plan, along with the servicing and mobility network configurations.
Since then, the applicant has completed the draft Master Servicing Study, Environmental Impact Study, and Transportation Report, and has now submitted an Official Plan Amendment application to lift the Future Neighbourhood Overlay.
What’s next
This amendment has not been approved. City staff will be reviewing the application to ensure it complies with applicable provincial policy and city policy. Councillor Glen will also be reviewing this application with his team.
After the Official Plan Amendment application is approved, a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Plan of Subdivision application will also be required to finalize the detailed design of the proposed development.
Stay informed and share your feedback
For additional information or to provide your comments contact planner Stream Shen at 613-580-2424, ext. 24488 or Please quote File No. D01-01-24-0024 in the subject line. You can copy Councillor Glen at
Please provide comments by February 24, 2025. Comments received after this date will be accepted and considered, however, may not be reflected in the staff report.