Our office hosted a virtual public information session for this application on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. You can watch a video of the meeting below.
The City of Ottawa has received zoning by-law amendment application from Hazeldean Developments at 6310 Hazeldean Road. The applicant proposes to build three mid-rise buildings (9 storeys) with 317 apartments and ground-floor commercial. The site is currently vacant and is located just west of Carp Road on the south side of Hazeldean.
The 1.2-hectare property is currently zoned Arterial Mainstreet, Subzone 9, Exception 2102 (AM9[2102]). This zoning allows for a broad range of uses including retail, service commercial, offices, residential and institutional uses in mixed-use buildings.
More information about the proposal is available on the City’s DevApps site…
Public consultation
Your opinion on this proposed development matters. My office has already heard feedback about the height and transitions to the existing homes to the south, height along Hazeldean, traffic impact to Carp Road, and pedestrian safety/sidewalk connections. I will be raising these concerns with planning staff, and we will work collaboratively with residents, City planners, and the applicant to resolve these issues.
You can share your questions or comments directly to planning staff by using the “Send Feedback” link on DevApps or by contacting planner Laurel McCreight at laurel.mccreight@ottawa.ca or (613) 580-2424 ext. 16587. You can also copy me at glen.gower@ottawa.ca. Please provide your comments by May 30, 2022. June 9, 2022 (comment period has been extended).
We will be organizing a public information session in the coming weeks, hosted on Zoom. Stay tuned for details.
What they’re requesting
The maximum building height in this zone is 11 metres within 20 metres of a residential zone and 15 metres in all other cases. The building is proposed to be 32 metres (9 storeys) at the north of the site facing Hazeldean and 11.9 metres (3 storeys) at the southern end of the building. The building would be 24.7 metres (7 storeys) in between, creating a “step down” effect when viewed from the side.
To allow for this design, the applicant is proposing two amendments to building heights in the current zoning:
- Raise height by 0.9 metres within 20 metres of south lot line. Currently, 11 metres (3 storeys) is allowed for this section of the property. At 11.9 metres as proposed, this part of the building would still be three storeys high.
- Raise building height by 17 metres at north of site along Hazeldean. Outside of the 20-metre distance from the residential zone, the applicant proposes to raise the maximum height to 32 metres (9 storeys) from 15 metres (4 storeys).
In general, the City’s Official Plan does allow for multi-story buildings on major roads such as Hazeldean, including up to 9-storeys. There are also strict requirements to transition to neighbouring residential zones, such as changes in height, landscaping elements minimum distance from the lot line, etc. Conditions must be met around transportation as well, including proximity to transit. These are all elements that will be reviewed by City planners
Other proposed amendments
- Reduce minimum rear-yard setback from 10 metres to 7.5 metres
- Reduce minimum front-yard setback from 3 metres to 0 metres
- Reduce minimum width of landscaped areas from 10 metres to 3 metres.
(Originally published May 3, 2022.)