The Zoning By-Law Amendment application for 37 Wildpine Court is on the agenda for the January 15, 2025 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee.
The site is located at the end of both Wildpine Court and Ravenscroft Court. A temporary turnaround for Wildpine Court is at the southern property limit of the site. The site is approximately 2.05 hectares in size.
The applicant, Fotenn on behalf of Latitude Homes, is proposing to build a four storey, 94-unit apartment building, and a semi-detached home containing two dwelling units. The existing detached home and two accessory buildings on the property would be demolished to accommodate the proposed development.
A public road connection between Ravenscroft Court and Wildpine Court will be created through the site as part of the associated subdivision application. The proposed apartment building will be located on the north side of this new road connection, and the semi-detached home will be located on the south.
An environmental protection block will also be created, consisting of 12,125 square metres (approximately 1.22 hectares) on the north of the site. This block would be conveyed to the City of Ottawa as greenspace.
A joint draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law application was originally received in 2021 for the lands. It included five development blocks consisting of 27 townhomes and two semi-detached homes, with a street connection between Wildpine Court and Ravenscroft Court, and a new private road extending northward. A public meeting was held on December 6, 2021.
Significant drainage and environmental concerns were identified in the original proposal, including with the drainage design towards Poole Creek. Following consultation with the City of Ottawa and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, the proposal was significantly revised to respond to the site constraints.
A revised draft plan, with the current apartment building and semi-detached home, was received in June 2023. Given the significant changes from the 2021 proposal, another public meeting was held on August 30, 2023.
Summary of requested zoning by-law amendment
The subject site is zoned primarily R3XX [1046] (Residential Third Density, Subzone XX Urban Exception 1046), which permits a range of lower-density housing typologies including townhomes, semi-detached dwellings, and detached dwellings. A portion of the site on the northeast boundary is zoned O1 (Parks and Open Space Zone), which permits environmental preservation and/or parks uses. A Flood Plain Overlay applies to the northeast portion of the lands.
Staff are recommending that the lands be rezoned to R4Z [XXX1] (Residential Fourth Density, Subzone Z, Exception XXX1) and R3XX [XXX2] (Residential Third Density, Subzone XX, Exception XXX2).
- The proposed R4Z [XXX1] would permit the proposed low-rise apartment building on the north lot (Block 2) and address site specific performance standards for the site, including a reduction in the minimum resident parking rate, allow parking in the front yard of the site, and permit any part of a building within 23 metres of a front lot line, where the building wall is greater than 11 metres in height, to have an interior side yard setback of 3 metres.
- The proposed R3XX [XXX2] zone would permit a reduced minimum rear and front yard setback for the semi-detached dwelling on the south lot (Block 3).
- The application also includes rezoning the north portion of the site (Block 1) of the site to O1 (Parks and Open Space zone) for environmental preservation. The existing Flood Plain Overlay on the site will not be modified as a result of this application.
Natural area protection
Over 60% of the land will be conveyed to the City of Ottawa as greenspace, as illustrated in the green area in the map below. This includes most of the forested area on the north half of the site, along with additional land along Poole Creek on the east side. (The existing Flood Plain Overlay on the site will not be modified as a result of this application.)
Councillor comments
Here are the official comments provided by Councillor Glen in the staff report:
Much of the community concern with this proposed development is around impact from construction as well as road safety. If approved, the developer must prepare a construction management plan that minimizes impacts on neighbouring residents, such as blasting/excavation, parking, dust control, noise, etc. While staff are recommending that Ravenscroft be connected to Wildpine, there are still outstanding issues related to timelines, pedestrian safety, and through traffic that will need to be resolved through the site plan process.
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Share your feedback
There are several ways that residents can provide comments to the committee for the January 15, 2025 meeting:
- Submit comments in writing:
To submit comments in writing, email the Committee Coordinator ( Comments received by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 will be provided to Members of Committee and Council prior to the meeting. Comments received after this time will be forwarded to Members of Committee and Council as soon as possible, and prior to Council’s final consideration of the item on January 22, 2025 but may not be received by Committee members prior to the January 15, 2025 meeting. - Submit verbal comments in advance of the meeting:
Call the Committee Coordinator by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 to have comments transcribed (613-580-2424, x16875). - Register to speak at the committee meeting*:
i. Register by phone by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 2025:
You may contact the Committee Coordinator at 613-580-2424, x16875.
ii. Register by e-mail – prior to 8:30 AM on Wednesday, January 15, 2025:
You may contact the Committee Coordinator at
*Visual presentations must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
You can also contact Councillor Glen with your questions or concerns.