The Zoning By-Law Amendment proposal from Devmont for their development at 6310 and 6320 Hazeldean Road is on the agenda at the Planning and Housing Committee meeting on September 11, 2024.

The site is currently vacant and is located on the south side of Hazeldean Road, west of Carp Road and east of West Ridge Drive.

The proposed development consists of two high-rise buildings, containing a total of 431 residential units. Building 1, proposed on the western portion of the site, is an l-shaped building, consisting of a 12-storey high-rise bar building, which steps down to seven storeys towards the west property line and three storeys towards the rear property line. The tower floor plate of Building 1 is 1190 square metres. Building 2, proposed on the eastern portion of the site, is a rectangular building, consisting of a 21-storey point tower, which transitions down to seven and three storeys towards the rear property line. The tower floor plate of Building 2 is 820 square metres. The overall development proposes to include 478 vehicular parking spaces (389 resident spaces, and 86 visitor spaces), and 446 bicycle parking spaces. A 10-metre wide landscape buffer will be provided along the rear property line.

Summary of requested Zoning By-Law Amendment

The requested Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the site from AM9[2102] (Arterial Mainstreet Zone, Subzone 9, Urban Exception 2102) to AM9[2102] SYYY (Arterial Mainstreet Zone, Subzone 9, Urban Exception 2102, Schedule YYY).

The Arterial Mainstreet zone currently permits a mix of residential and non-residential uses. The current zone limits residential uses to a maximum height of 15 metres (approximately four storeys).

The proposed AM zone seeks to permit a high-rise apartment building as a permitted use on the subject site. The rezoning proposes to permit a maximum building height of 41 metres for Building 1 and 67.7 metres for Building 2. Site-specific exceptions are also requested to address building setbacks and stepbacks, tower setbacks, minimum separation distance between towers, permitted projections, vehicular and bicycle parking spaces and a landscape buffer.

The proposed amendment will also remove a site-specific provision related to a garden centre and building supply outlet that no longer exists on site.

Councillor’s comments

Here are the official comments provided by Councillor Glen in the staff report:

If approved and built, this development would be the tallest building in Stittsville as well as along the entire Hazeldean-Robertson corridor. Taller buildings are permitted in the Official Plan (with conditions), but there is legitimate concern from residents about the adequacy of municipal and provincial infrastructure to support growth in Kanata and Stittsville.


I am writing these comments without the benefit of seeing the final report recommendations and analysis. For the proposed development, there are four key municipal issues that need attention:


1. Transition. Under the City’s Official Plan, properties on a Main Street Corridor such as Hazeldean Road are limited to 9-storeys, or up to 40-storeys where “the lot fabric can provide a suitable transition to abutting low-rise areas”. How have city staff evaluated transition to determine if it is suitable?


2. Carp Road upgrade. What are the timelines for construction?


3. Pedestrian access. We need to see a continuous sidewalk fronting on the south side of Hazeldean fronting this property and continuing all the way to Carp Road.


4. Transit. With more residents and a lower parking ratio, we’ll need to see increased transit service in this part of Stittsville.


While some of these items have been partially resolved, as of mid-August there are still outstanding issues.

Councillor Glen and his team will be reviewing the report over the next few days.

Related links:

Share your feedback:

There are several ways the general public can provide comments to the Members of Committee and Council for the September 11, 2024 meeting:

  1. Submit comments in writing:
    To submit comments in writing, email the Committee Coordinator ( Comments received by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 will be provided to Members of Committee and Council prior to the meeting. Comments received after this time will be forwarded to Members of Committee and Council as soon as possible, and prior to Council’s final consideration of the item on September 18, 2024 but may not be received by Committee members prior to the September 11, 2024 meeting.
  2. Submit verbal comments in advance of the meeting:
    Call the Committee Coordinator by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 to have comments transcribed (613-580-2424, x16875).
  3. Register to speak at the committee meeting*:
    i. Register by phone by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024:
    You may contact the Committee Coordinator at 613-580-2424, x16875.
    ii. Register by e-mail – prior to 8:30 AM on Wednesday, September 11, 2024:
    You may contact the Committee Coordinator at
    *Visual presentations must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

You can also contact Councillor Glen with your questions or concerns.