The City has received a resubmission of the site plan and zoning application for 5924 and 5938 Hazeldean Road. The applicant wants to build townhomes at the corner of Hazeldean and Victor Street.
Plans, studies, and reports from the resubmission are available here…
Planning staff have provided a summary of major changes in this resubmission, including:
- The Hazeldean façade has been modified to include a full brick exterior instead of the previously proposed hardie board panels with brick. A stronger base level articulation is introduced using double monarch oversized brick. New lintel beams are added above the windows to provide a more traditional expression. Additional brick patterns and vertical features are also proposed along Hazeldean to provide visual interest.
- A letter is submitted to address the potential for an additional entrance along Hazeldean Road. The conclusion is that a single access on Victor is enough to accommodate the traffic volume associated with this development. The access along major arterial roadway is avoided where possible due to potential safety concern associated with potential conflicts with high volume Hazeldean traffic. There is also a two-way left-turn lane along the centre of the Hazeldean Road in front of the site, which could result in potential unsafe left turn movement in and out of the site. This has been reviewed by the City’s senior transportation project manager and is deemed acceptable.
- An updated sight line letter was also submitted using a 45-metre stopping sight distance on Victor Street. The engineer who studied the sight lines concluded that the sight distance along Victor Street for the entrance to the development and the 4 driveways conforms to the Transportation Association of Canada design guide for Canadian roads. This has been reviewed by the City’s senior transportation project manager and is deemed acceptable. To mitigate the speeding issue along Victor Street, traffic calming measurement through curb extension will be introduced at the Victor and Hazeldean intersection. This is currently being reviewed by the City’s transportation team.
What’s next:
- This development proposal has not yet been approved.
- I will be reviewing the resubmission documents with my team in the coming days to ensure that community concerns around traffic safety, parking, and other community impacts have been addressed.
- Planning staff are preparing a report on the proposed zoning change that would go to the City’s Planning Committee. (Date to be determined.)
- If you have questions or concerns, you can contact me or the planner on this file, Stream Shen.