We had a few inquiries this week about vegetation maintenance along Stittsville’s hydro corridors, including in the Timbermere neighbourhood. Our team tracked down some information via Katrina Kim, Community Relations Officer with Hydro One that I’ve shared below.
My team will be meeting with Hydro One early in the new year to see how we can help get the word out more effectively to residents in Stittsville for future work. We’ll also use that meeting to discuss how hydro corridors can be put to better use for projects like community gardens, enhanced greenspace, etc. We’ll share any updates on our web site.
Thanks to residents who shared their questions concerns with my team. You can always reach us at glen.gower@ottawa.ca
Hydro One performs vegetation maintenance to support the safe and reliable supply of power to homes and businesses in Ontario communities, and to ensure the safety of residents adjacent to the corridor and those using the areas as shared community spaces. Vegetation maintenance is completed every 6 years on our high-voltage transmission corridors.
Our current work in Stittsville is occurring between Didsbury Junction and Highway 7. I have attached the community notice and the map that was distributed to residents for your reference. This notice was also sent to Councillor Qadri and Tanya, with the Stittsville Village Association on October 1st and 3rd respectively.
With regards to the work in Timbermere, signage has been placed in the area since October 3rd and adjacent residents were notified by letter October 9th. Between October 9th and November 26th, our Forestry Technician spoke directly with affected residents (timing was based on resident availability). Work includes the manual removal of incompatible species, stump grinding and reseeding. Manual treatment of vegetation uses hand tools such as chainsaws and pruners.
Regarding our upcoming work adjacent to Victor St and Greer St, we have planned mechanical treatment of the vegetation. Mechanical treatment of vegetation involves the complete removal of trees and brush, including the root system. Our crews will use grinders, bulldozers and excavators to complete this work. Mechanical work is visually impactful when first completed, but helps minimize the need for herbicides and provides an optimal base for remediation efforts and the establishment of seed mix. We will be reseeding this area with a pollinator seed mix. All residents living adjacent to this upcoming work were provided notice on October 12th and our Forestry Technician spoke with them in person between October 12th and November 6th. Two residents were left a number of notices and cards, but did not respond to our Forestry Technicians attempts to connect.
Our Forestry Technician has distributed the written community notice and spoken to all residents living adjacent to the corridor who will see a visual impact. Signs are placed along the corridor with our information, should any residents have questions or concerns.
We understand that or work can be impactful and we are prepared to address any community concerns that arise during the course of our work. Inquiries from community members can be referred to myself via our Community Relations contact at 1-877-345-6799 or by email at Community.Relations@HydroOne.com.