(Information from the Ottawa Carleton District School Board)
Over the past few months a locally-formed working group has been meeting to discuss potential accommodation proposals related to the future opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area.
The planned opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area is currently the highest-ranked capital priority of the Board. Although capital funding for a New Fernbank Elementary School has not yet been received from the Province, completion of the study will be beneficial given the timing of the requirement.
A Public Consultation Meeting will be held to seek feedback regarding a proposed plan. Input received at the meeting will assist staff in developing recommendations to the Board. Some of the specific issues we will be seeking input on include:
- A proposed opening grade structure, program offering, and attendance boundary for the New Fernbank Elementary School;
- An associated proposed revision to the attendance area for John Young Elementary School;
- A potential revision to Fernbank area Middle French Immersion attendance boundaries.
Please plan to attend this important meeting to be held:
On: Thursday May 23rd, 2019 (7.00 pm to 9.00 pm)
At: John Young Elementary School (gymnasium)
5 Morton Drive, Kanata ON K2L 1W7
At the meeting there will be a brief presentation by Board staff, followed by a Question & Answer period. Staff will be available following the meeting to answer questions on an individual basis. An Information Package providing details of the study and the proposed plan will be available at the meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting you may submit your input via email at newfernbankes@ocdsb.ca or to the Planning Department at 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean ON, K2H 6L3.
More information: http://ocdsb.ca/new-fernbank-elementary-school/