**Please share this information with your friends and neighbours in the community.**

As I sit down to write this late on Monday afternoon, we are now into Day 10 of the prolonged power outage. There are about 8,000 homes city-wide without power. We are tracking 12 streets with homes without power in Stittsville, although in the last few minutes I’m hearing word that some homes on Brae and Norway Spruce may have just had their power restored.

Streets we’re tracking include: Lazy Nol, Hartin, Johnwoods, Norway Spruce, Henry Goulbourn, Turtleback, Brae, Crab Tree, White Cedar, Snowberry, Cordukes, Bobcat. If your power is still out, please email me and let me know your address: glen.gower@ottawa.ca

At least two business on Hazeldean Road (Carolark and Ultramar) are still out, and so is Sacred Heart High School, Holy Spirit Church, and CARDELREC (still on generator power).

Hydro Ottawa is aware of each of these locations. Although I am in touch daily with Hydro Ottawa officials, I still do not have any details on estimated restoration times.  There are hundreds of these types of neighbourhood outages still left around Ottawa.


Hydro repair crews are in Stittsville today. I counted four trucks and several personnel on Norway Spruce Street early this morning. They were replacing wires, poles, and transformers that were damaged. There is similar work to be done at each of the remaining locations without power in Stittsville.


I also ran into Rod from the City’s forestry department, who told me there are over 100 requests for service in Stittsville alone for help with City trees in neighbourhoods, parks, and pathways. This will take considerable time to clean-up. Please be careful near damaged or fallen trees.




Please continue to check in with neighbours who may need help. If someone you know needs a check-in or additional support, please contact my office for assistance. We can arrange for a wellness check from Ottawa Public Health and other community partners.

CARDELREC (1500 Shea Road) is now operating as a Community Support Centre. It’s a one-stop shop for community support information from 10 am to 7 pm. Several City service and partner agency representatives will be present to provide information to residents impacted by the storm. You can also get a warm shower or recharge your device.





City trucks are still picking up branches and debris left from trees. This will take weeks, not days. The City’s landfill at the Trail Waste Facility (4475 Trail Road) is offering extended hours to accommodate special collections and will waive tipping fees for residents with storm-related materials.




Due to the power outage at Holy Spirit Parish, the blood donor event that was to take place on June 1 will be moved to the Kanata Seniors Centre at 2500 Campeau Drive, Hall C & D. Organizers will be posting as well as calling all of the donors who had appointments booked.




Volunteers of all abilities are needed to help with cleanup projects across the city as a result of the May 21 storm. There are two ways you can support this weekend with the City of Ottawa and our community partners. You can find more information on my web site: https://www.glengower.ca/information/volunteers-needed-to-help-with-storm-cleanup-benevoles-recherches-pour-aider-au-nettoyage-apres-la-tempete/




Contact us
The best way to reach me and my team is by email at glen.gower@ottawa.ca or by phone at 613-580-2476 (please leave a message if we cannot answer).

A big thanks to my team for their ongoing help and support: Amélie, Catherine, Jordan, Isobel, Tracy and Aline.  Please remember to be kind to my staff, city staff, hydro staff, and everyone else who is working hard right now to help out.

We are providing updates several ways:

I have been sharing these updates in English only to get them out as fast as possible. There is bilingual information available at Ottawa.ca. Les mis-à-jours sont disponibles à ottawa.ca.

Stay safe, and take care!

-Councillor Glen

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