La version française suit
The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) and the Collision Reporting Centre (CRC) published an annual report on vehicle collisions, with a total of 19,777 collisions: 16,788 were reported through the CRC and 2,989 required patrol response.
Other important data to note in the document:
- 18 total fatal collisions occurred
- Most collisions occurred in December and January
- Most collisions occurred on Thursdays
- 218 collisions involving pedestrians occurred
- 123 collisions involving cyclists occurred
- 218 collisions involving impaired drivers
- Hunt Club Rd. and Riverside Dr. intersection had the most collisions
- Over 2,000 collisions occurred in parking lots where the drivers left the scene
The data also shows that 16,787 collisions occurred on clear days, while environmental events making road conditions less favourable, such as rain, fog, mist, freezing rain and snow, were noted for less than 5,000 collisions.
Improving road safety and enforcing the rules of the road are significant priorities for the Ottawa Police Service. Our Traffic Services Unit is dedicated to improving safety.
Through the Community Safety Data portal, members of the public can view, download, and interact with data released by the Ottawa Police Service.
Rapport annuel sur les collisions compte près de 20 000 collisions en 2024
- 18 collisions mortelles ont eu lieu
- La plupart des collisions ont eu lieu en décembre et en janvier
- La plupart des collisions ont eu lieu le jeudi
- 218 collisions impliquant des piétons ont eu lieu
- 123 collisions impliquant des cyclistes ont eu lieu
- 218 collisions impliquant des conducteurs en état d’ébriété ont eu lieu
- L’intersection du chemin Hunt Club et de la promenade Riverside est celle qui a enregistré le plus grand nombre de collisions.
- Plus de 2000 collisions ont eu lieu dans des stationnements où les conducteurs ont quitté les lieux.