Finance and Corporate Services Committee will consider a proposed ward boundary change for Stittsville on December 3, 2024.

Thanks to feedback residents, the proposed change has been revised to keep the rural properties west of Poplarwood Avenue within the Rideau-Jock Ward and redistribute the urban expansion area Stittsville South (W-4) to the Stittsville Ward. To ensure that clear geographical boundaries are used, a small number or residential properties located along Flewellyn Road between Poplarwood Avenue and Shea Road would be redistributed to Stittsville Ward.

The original proposal expanded Stittsville Ward to Flewellyn Road in the south part of Stittsville, from Shea Road in the east to just past West Healey Avenue in the west (see maps of the original proposal and the revised proposal below).

There is no impact to current Stittsville residents. This small administrative change is intended to reflect the fact that the residents of the proposed area are likely to be more naturally affiliated with the Stittsville community than with the larger Rideau-Jock area.

It will also have no effect on property classification, land value, city services or municipal taxes. Ward boundary decisions are also separate from zoning and urban boundary decisions.

If approved by City Council, these changes would take effect for the 2026 Municipal Elections.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our office.


Original ward boundary proposal:


Revised ward boundary proposal:



Related links: