by Glen Gower | Mar 11, 2024 | Development, Notebook
Also available in English… Le terme « logement abordable » est utilisé de différentes manières. Il est généralement admis que le logement est abordable lorsque l’ensemble des coûts de logement (loyer/hypothèque, plus les charges et les impôts fonciers)...
by Team Stittsville | Mar 11, 2024 | Development, Notebook
Aussi disponible en français … “Affordable housing” is a term that gets used in a lot of different ways. There’s a generally-accepted guideline that housing is affordable when all housing costs (rent/mortgage, plus utilities and property taxes) make up a...
by Team Stittsville | Nov 8, 2019 | Information
Here’s an update from the City’s Emergency and Protective Services Department about a much-anticipated report coming to committee and council this month. This report covers a number of areas, including possible strategies on how to mitigate the massive...
by Team Stittsville | Oct 6, 2019 | Information
We’ve heard from several residents in Stittsville with concerns about short-term rentals including Airbnb’s and we certainly have some problem properties in our ward. The Citizen published a good summary of a recent study and recommendations on what the...