by Glen Gower | Oct 13, 2024 | Development, Notebook
La version française suit (The map above shows urban expansion areas added to Ottawa during the 2020-2022 Official Plan process. Areas in purple are for future residential development, and the area in blue is for Industrial and Logistics development.) Here we...
by Team Stittsville | Oct 4, 2024 | Development
La version française suit The rules are changing in Ottawa for landowners who are thinking of applying for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) to extend Ottawa’s Urban Boundary. At a technical briefing today, the City of Ottawa unveiled plans to update the City’s growth...
by Team Stittsville | Jan 21, 2021 | Development, Notebook
La version française suit Back in May, Council voted to expand Ottawa’s urban boundary (the lands available for future development) by 1,281 hectares. This was necessary because Ottawa is expected to grow to 1.4 million residents by 2046, and they’ll need places to...
by Team Stittsville | Jan 17, 2021 | Development
The City’s Planning Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee will meet jointly on Monday, January 25 to consider which lands should be brought inside Ottawa’s urban boundary, in line with the growth management strategy that Council adopted in May 2020....