UPDATE – JANUARY 8: The City’s planning department has confirmed that Edenwylde is open for public access, connecting Hickstead Way to Fernbank Road. The roads are being maintained (including snow clearing) by the City. That satisfies the subdivision condition, which allowed for the connections between Parade and Hartsmere to be opened. While we’ve known for a while that those connections would eventually be opened, I am disappointed that more notice was not available to me or the community about the opening of the connections. I will be reviewing the process with City staff to see why that communication didn’t happen. Thanks to residents who reached out to our office with questions and concerns.


(Le français suit)

On the weekend, I heard from residents with questions about a road opening between Parade and Hartsmere, and asked the development inspector in our area to look into it.  Here’s what we know.

  • The road is only open temporarily, due to construction work (curb construction) that the builder is doing for the future road connection.
  • Barriers will be going back up after this work is complete, likely in the next few days.
  • There’s a condition in the subdivision agreement that the connecting roads are to remain closed between Hartsmere Drive and Parade Drive until such time that Parade Way/Hickstead Way is connected to Fernbank Road through the future subdivision (Edenwylde) located to the east.  That road project will likely be finished this summer.

Even if it was only temporary – I’m disappointed that there was no advance communication to residents, and that the road connection has been left open without proper signage like stop signs, etc. Thanks to residents who brought this to my attention.

MISE À JOUR : Voies de raccordement entre les promenades Parade et Hartsmere

Durant la fin de semaine, j’ai reçu des questions de résidents concernant l’ouverture d’une voie entre les promenades Parade et Hartsmere, que j’ai transmises à notre inspecteur de l’aménagement. Voici ce que nous savons :

  • La voie n’est ouverte que temporairement, à cause des travaux (construction de bordures)qu’effectue l’entrepreneur en vue de l’aménagement de la nouvelle voie de raccordement.
  • Les barrières seront remises en place après les travaux, probablement dans les prochains jours.
  • L’accord de lotissement stipule que les voies de raccordement entre les promenades Hartsmere et Parade doivent demeurer fermées jusqu’à l’ouverture de celle entre la promenade Parade/la voie Hickstead et le chemin Fernbank, qui traversera le futur lotissement (Edenwylde) situé à l’est. Ce second projet devrait se terminer cet été.

Même si ce n’est que temporaire, je suis déçu qu’aucun avis aux résidents n’ait été émis à l’avance et que la voie de raccordement ait été laissée ouverte sans la signalisation appropriée(panneaux d’arrêt et autres). Merci aux résidents qui m’ont signalé le problème.