Thursday, April 30:


Wednesday, April 29:

  • APRIL 29: Special statement from Dr. Vera Etches
  • Ottawa Public Health is excited to launch its new Aging Well in Ottawa Facebook page. It will be a source for sharing information about a variety of health topics, including information about COVID-19, and how it affects you. Check it out here:
  • Santé Publique Ottawa est heureuse de lancer sa nouvelle page Facebook Bien vieillir à Ottawa. Elle sera une source d’informations sur divers sujets de santé, notamment la COVID-19 et comment elle vous affecte. Visitez la page
  • Everyone needs a safe place to spend their days and have access to showers and washrooms facilities. The Human Needs task force is providing such spaces for at-risk populations in Ottawa. More Info
    Chacun a besoin d’un endroit sûr où passer la journée et d’accéder à des douches et installations sanitaires. Le Groupe de travail sur les besoins humains donne aux populations à risque d’Ottawa accès à de tels espaces. Pour en savoir plus…



Monday, April 27:


Friday, April 24:


Thursday, April 23:


Wednesday, April 22:


Tuesday, April 21: 


Monday, April 20:


Friday, April 17:

  • Ottawa Public Health has developed further guidance on meal planning, shopping, cooking, and accessing food for those in need during COVID-19
  • Expanded testing criteria: In addition to now allowing for testing of some asymptomatic residents and staff in long-term care and retirement homes experiencing an outbreak, the Province added a list of less common COVID-19 symptoms to the testing criteria and has again increased the categories of people eligible for testing.These expanded criteria will allow us to test more people and get a better sense of the potential scope of infection in our community. This is important into the future to enable more targeted strategies and the eventual relaxation of restrictions.The new categories of people eligible for testing, if they are experiencing at least one symptom, include people and workers in congregate settings, first responders, caregivers, people with frequent health care contact and people living in remote, isolated, rural or indigenous communities.This revised testing criteria has been added to the Ottawa Public Health website.


Thursday, April 16:


Wednesday, April 15: 


Tuesday, April 14: 


Monday, April 13:


Sunday, April 12:


Saturday, April 11:


Friday, April 10:


Thursday, April 9:


Wednesday, April 8:


Tuesday, April 7:


Monday, April 6:


Friday, April 3:


Thursday, April 2:



Wednesday, April 1: